Here’s how to reference three.js in your Power BI Custom Visual project.
I have not tested to see if three.js actually works on, but this is how to resolve reference issues.
1. Setup your dev environment by following the instructions in this post: Power BI Documentation: Use developer tools to create custom visuals
2. Create visual and navigate to the new directory.
pbiviz new threejstest
cd threejstest
3. Install three.js
npm i three --save
4. Install typings
npm i -g typings
5. Install three typings
typings install dt~three --save --global
6. Open in VS Code (or any editor)
code .
7. Open tsconfig.json and add references to the three.js files
"compilerOptions": {
"allowJs": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"target": "ES5",
"sourceMap": true,
"out": "./.tmp/build/visual.js"
"files": [
8. Add three.d.ts to /src folder and copy this code to that file
declare var three: any;
9. Open src/visual.ts and add this line to the top of the file
/// <amd-dependency path='three'>
10. Instantiate a new THREE.Scene(); object in your constructor
let scene = new THREE.Scene();