How to Upload Blobs to Azure Storage from an Azure Function with Azure Managed Identities (Part 2)

In this 3 part series we are going to learn a few methods for developing an Azure Function that uploads blobs to Azure Storage using the new Azure Blob Storage and Azure Identity Client Libraries.

Code: The code for this series can be found here:

Part 1: Local Function with Storage Emulator (local function, local storage)
Part 2: Local Function with Azure Storage and Service Principal (local function, cloud storage)
Part 3: Azure Function with Azure Storage and Managed Identity (cloud function, cloud storage)

Local Function with Azure Storage and Service Principal (local function, cloud storage)

In Part 1 of this series, we got the local function setup to upload blobs to a Azurite a local storage emulator. Now, let’s setup our Azure resources so we can use that same code to send our blobs to Azure using a Service Principal.

Azure Setup

Let’s get all our Azure resources created and configured.

  1. Install Azure CLI
  2. Login to Azure CLI
az login
  1. Set Active Azure Subscription

This ensures that all of the subsequent commands run under the intended subscription.

az account set -s SUBSCRIPTION_NAME_OR_ID


  • SUBSCRIPTION_NAME_OR_ID The subscription that you want to activate. You can use az account show to show the currently set subscription.
  1. Create Resource Group

This is a grouping for all of your Azure resources.

az group create -n RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME -l LOCATION


  • RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME A unique name that you create.
  • LOCATION The location you want all your resources to live. You can use az account list-locations -o table to get a list of all available locations.
  1. Create Blob Storage Account

This account will hold the blobs that you upload via your Azure Function.

az storage account create -n BLOB_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME -g RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --kind StorageV2 --sku Standard_LRS 


  • BLOB_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME A unique name that you create.
  • RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME The name of the resource group that you created earlier.
  • --sku - List of available SKUs can be found here: SKU Types
  1. Give your account Blob Storage permissions

The sample uses DefaultAzureCredential, which uses AzureCliCredential under the hood to get a token to use to communicate to Azure Storage.

In order to talk with Azure Storage, your account needs to be in the Storage Blob Data Contributor role.

Get your account id:

az ad signed-in-user show --query 'objectId' -o tsv

Then run the following command to assign your id to the role

az role assignment create --assignee {id from last step} --role ba92f5b4-2d11-453d-a403-e96b0029c9fe


  • assignee Your Azure account id.
  • --role - The GUID ba92f5b4-2d11-453d-a403-e96b0029c9fe is the ID for the Storage Blob Data Contributor role. You can find all of the built-in Azure roles here: Built-in roles for Azure resources

Configure Function App to use Azure Storage

  1. Set Local Settings

Open local.settings.json and ensure the following values are set:

If you have cloned the repo, then take the settings from and copy them to 'local.settings.json

    "IsEncrypted": false,
    "Values": {
        "AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
        "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME": "dotnet",
        "AZURE_STORAGE_HOST": "",
        "AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER": "azfuncblobs"


  • BLOB_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME The same name that you gave the storage account you created earlier.


  • We updated AZURE_STORAGE_HOST to instead of That setting is for Azure Public cloud, if you are using a different Azure cloud, then use az cloud list to find your storage host.

Re-run the Azure Function

  1. Start and Run the Function

Run the following command from the root of the project:

func start

When it has finished starting it will output the URL to run the function, like this:

funcblobtest: [GET,POST] http://localhost:7071/api/funcblobtest

Open that link in a browser. Your function will run and you will see output like the following:

00e7d1bd.txt uploaded.
  1. Verify Success with Storage Explorer

Open Storage Explorer and navigate to: Subscription -> Storage Accounts -> Storage Account -> Blob Containers -> azfuncblobs

Verify that your file has been successfully uploaded.

Now that we have our local function uploaded blobs to Azure Storage, lets create the Azure Function in Azure, and use a Managed Identity instead of a Service Principal. Click on the Part 3 link below to continue.

Part 1: Local Function with Storage Emulator (local function, local storage)
Part 2: Local Function with Azure Storage and Service Principal (local function, cloud storage)
Part 3: Azure Function with Azure Storage and Managed Identity (cloud function, cloud storage)
