How to Setup a Particle Photon with Node.js
Here’s a quick post to show you how to get your Particle Photon setup with Node.js. I also have instructions for doing so with PuTTY here. Put Photon in Listening Mode 1. Plug Photon into your compute
Here’s a quick post to show you how to get your Particle Photon setup with Node.js. I also have instructions for doing so with PuTTY here. Put Photon in Listening Mode 1. Plug Photon into your compute
beakn is my Skype for Business (aka Lync) Status Light project that I have been building since late last year. Very simply, it’s a hardware device that will change color to Red, Yellow or Green as you
1. Plug Photon into laptop via USB 1a. Go ahead and install the Particle Photon driver now: 2. Put Photon into DFU mode. a) Hold down both Setup and Reset buttons b) Release the Re
I’ve been building a battery-powered wifi-enabled Lync Status light for the last couple of months. Lots of people have been building the beakn and I did a hackathon class last week, so I thought it wo
Here’s a quick update to beakn – my Lync status light maker project – this version uses the Spark Core onboard RGB led. Joe Shirey tweeted his version of beakn which uses the onboard led – I was super