Archive: 2007

SilverLight for Linux

SilverLight 1.0 was released today and Microsoft confirmed that they are working with Novell to produce a version of it for Linux. Great news!

Binding Complex Properties to GridView

Binding simple (int/string, etc) type properties to a TemplateColumn in a GridView is easy, but when you need to bind the Grid to an object that has properties that aren’t simple types it gets a bit m

ATOM 1.0 Schema

I just spent a while searching for the ATOM 1.0 schema definition. This looks like the most human readable form out there. HTH, Jon

Solution to jagged images in IE at 1600x1200

I just got a new laptop and am running it at 1600x1200.  With IE I was getting jagged images, so I pinged the internal IE discussions group and got this response from Tony Schriener. It sounds like t