How to Change Raspberry Pi (Raspbian) Hostname

One of the first things you’ll want to do on a Raspberry Pi is change the hostname to something unique on your network. The default name is raspberrypi.

You can change it via editing text files or the UI.

Via Terminal or SSH

You can use the hostnamectl set-hostname [name] command, but that does not update /etc/hosts and causes issues with Docker and other networking services.

I prefer to update /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts manually:

1. Change /etc/hostname

sudo nano /etc/hostname
  • Change raspberrypi to your desired hostname
  • Hit CTRL+O and then ENTER to Save
  • Hit CTRL+X to Exit

2. Change /etc/hosts

sudo nano /etc/hosts
  • Change raspberrypi to your desired hostname
  • Hit CTRL+O and then ENTER to Save
  • Hit CTRL+X to Exit

3. Reboot

sudo reboot

Via Interface

You can also change the hostname via the Raspbian UI:

1. Go to Raspberry Pi Configuration -> System and set a unique hostname and click OK.

2. Click Yes to reboot the Pi
