Here are the steps I take to setup a Raspberry Pi for development:
- Get Raspberry Pi and Peripherals
- Install Raspbian - Flash Raspbian to a MicroSD card.
- Connect to Internet via Desktop or CLI
- Enable SSH - So you can execute Terminal commands from your main dev machine.
- Update Raspbian - To get all the latest packages.
sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y
- Change Hostname - So you don’t have naming conflicts with other machines on your network.
- Change Password - So you don’t get hacked.
- Change Keyboard Layout - So your keyboard keys are layed out for your region.
- Expand File System - So you have space to install all the dependencies you’ll need later.
- Create File Share - This enables you to easily transfer files from your dev machine to the Pi.
- Setup Remote Desktop - If you want to remote desktop into your Pi from your dev machine.