Solution to Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option to remove this warning.

With this code:

export default class CategoryRating extends Vue {
  @Prop({default: {}}) category: any;

I kept getting this VS Code error:

Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the ‘experimentalDecorators’ option to remove this warning.

Even though I have experimentalDecorators set to true in my tsconfig

  "compilerOptions": {
    "experimentalDecorators": true,

Turns out I had the parent folder open in VS Code,


But I needed to have the actual project as my root in VS Code


For this error to go away.

I tried copying the tsconfig into the root folder, but that didn’t help.

So, If you want this error to go away, then make sure you have that setting set to true in your tsconfig and also make sure you have the app open at the right level.
