Solution to Could not locate the included file jekyll-theme-primer

Was getting this error today:

Liquid Exception: Could not locate the included file 'app_insights.html' in any of ["D:/OneDriveMS/code/GitHub/jongio/azure-sdk/_includes", "C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/jekyll-theme-primer-0.5.4/_includes"]. Ensure it exists in one of those directories and is not a symlink as those are not allowed in safe mode. in /_layouts/post_redirect.html
jekyll 3.9.0 | Error:  Could not locate the included file 'app_insights.html' in any of ["D:/OneDriveMS/code/GitHub/jongio/azure-sdk/_includes", "C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/jekyll-theme-primer-0.5.4/_includes"]. Ensure it exists in one of those directories and is not a symlink as those are not allowed in safe mode.

I did a ton of searching to resolve this, but nothing helped. Until I realized that I’m actually using a symlink like the error message stated.

I run my code out of:


Which is a symlink to:

D:/OneDrive - Microsoft

and I usually code out of the symlink because lots of build tools don’t like spaces in folder names. See more about why I do this in this post: How to rename or remove spaces from OneDrive folder name

So I just opened this project in the non-symlink location and it worked.