Code Camp NYC 2012 Speaker Blogs and Twitter Accounts

Here are the Code Camp NYC 2012 speaker blogs and twitter accounts. You can subscribe to all speaker blogs using the OPML file and follow all the speakers on Twitter using the Code Camp NYC 12 Twitter List.


You can subscribe to the Code Camp NYC 12 speaker blogs by importing this OPML file into your feed reader.

If you aren’t familiar with OPML, it is an xml file that contains feed urls. You can easily import an OPML file into your feed reader and subscribe to all the feeds in bulk. If you don’t know how to do this then just search for “OPML import [feed reader name]” (replace [feed reader name] with the feed reader you use). If you can’t find out how to do this then ping me and I’ll try to help you out. >


You can easily follow Code Camp NYC 12 speakers by going to the [Code Camp NYC 12 Speaker list page](!/jongallant/code-camp-nyc-12-speakers/members ) and clicking "Follow" next to the speakers that you want to follow.



Name Blog Feed Twitter
Adam Tuliper [Blog]( [Feed]( [AdamTuliper](
Andrew J Brust [Blog]( [Feed]( [andrewbrust](
Anthony Abate
Bailey Ling [Blog]( [Feed]( [blingcoder](
Barry Stahl [Blog]( [Feed]( [bsstahl](
Becky Isserman [Blog]( [Feed]( [MossLover](
Ben Dewey [Blog]( [Feed]( [bendewey](
Bill Wilder [Blog]( [Feed]( [codingoutloud](
Bill Zack [Blog]( [Feed]( [WilliamHZack](
Boulos Dib [Blog]( [Feed]( [boulosdib](
Chander Dhall [Blog]( [Feed]( [csdhall](
Chris Love [Blog]( [Feed]( [ChrisLove](
Dane Morgridge [Blog]( [Feed]( [danemorgridge](
David Giard [Blog]( [Feed]( [DavidGiard](
Devin Rader [Blog]( [Feed]( [devinrader](
Dmitri Artamonov [Blog]( [Feed]( [dartamon](
Doug Finke [Blog]( [Feed]( [dfinke](
Igor Moochnick [Blog]( [Feed]( [igor_moochnick](
James Kovacs [Blog]( [Feed]( [JamesKovacs](
Jeff Fritz [Blog]( [Feed]( [csharpfritz](
Jess Chadwick [Blog]( [Feed]( [jchadwick](
Joel Cochran [Blog]( [Feed]( [joelcochran](
John Bennett [Blog]( [Feed]( [jtbennett](
John V. Petersen [Blog]( [Feed](
John Zablocki [Blog]( [Feed]( [codevoyeur](
Kendall Miller [Blog]( [Feed]( [kendallmiller](
Kishore Reddy [Blog]( [Feed](
Lisha Eapen
Mauricio Mendoza
Michael Crump [Blog]( [Feed]( [mbcrump](
Nik Molnar [Blog]( [Feed]( [nikmd23](
Paulmichael Blasucci [Blog]( [Feed]( [pblasucci](
Philip Japikse [Blog]( [Feed]( [skimedic](
Rachel Appel [Blog]( [Feed]( [RachelAppel](
Rachel Reese [Blog]( [Feed]( [rachelreese](
Ravi Okade
Richard Minerich [Blog]( [Feed]( [rickasaurus](
Robert Palmer
Rushaine McBean [copasetickid](
Russell Fustino [Blog]( [russtoolshed](
Ryan Riehle [MisterReally](
SB Chatterjee [Blog]( [Feed]( [sbc111](
Somya Jain [Blog]( [somya_j](
Thorsten Hans [Blog]( [Feed]( [ThorstenHans](
Will Robertson [Blog]( [Feed]( [WillRobertsn](