

Solution to the exception: "Updating 'Newtonsoft.Json 4.5.8' to 'Newtonsoft.Json 4.5.5' failed. Unable to find a version of 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client' that is compatible with 'Newtonsoft.Json 4.5.5'." when trying to install the twitterizer NuGet package in Visual Studio 2012

I have the RTM of Visual Studio installed, but the WebApi NuGet RTM build isn’t available yet. WebApi depends on Newtonsoft.Json and so does Twitterizer, but there is a version conflict. Unfortunatel


[object Object]

Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type ‘[type]’. ‘Where’ not found. Consider explicitly specifying the type of the range variable ‘[variableName]’ You get this error if


[object Object]

There are many reasons why this error will appear. One of the less obvious reasons has to do with the “Target framework” project level setting. In my referenced project the “Target framework” was set


[object Object]

I was migrating one field to another today and I got this exception when trying to delete the old field from the Fields tab: “Cannot delete this field because it is referenced by other objects”. Not