

Solution to: [A]System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.HostSection cannot be cast to [B]System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.HostSection. Type A originates from 'System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' in the context 'Default' at location 'C:\windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Web.WebPages.Razor\v4.0_2.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35\System.Web.WebPages.Razor.dll'. Type B originates from 'System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' in the context 'Default' at location 'C:\Users\jong\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\6f8c444d\f737f6f4\assembly\dl3\dde55404\3dbcbf4e_cab0ce01\System.Web.WebPages.Razor.dll'.

[A]System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.HostSection cannot be cast to [B]System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.HostSection. Type A originates from ‘System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Cul


Solution: The Sony QuickTime plug-in was not able to initialize the QuickTime components on your system. It appears that QuickTime for Windows is not properly installed. QuickTime files cannot be read or written without a full installation of the QuickTime version 7.1.6 or greater components, including the authoring components.

I got this error today when I tried to drag a video file that was created with my iPhone 5 to Sony Movie Studio (Vegas) The Sony QuickTime plug-in was not able to initialize the QuickTime components