visual studio


Fiddler Extension Development Tips

I recently created a custom Fiddler extension called PowerBIFiddler. Here are a few tricks that I learned along the way. Re-use Default Fiddler Inspectors For PowerBI-Fiddler, I wanted to re-use the J


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I was running the following post-build scripts in VS2013… $(FrameworkDir)\installutil.exe /u "$(TargetPath)" $(FrameworkDir)\installutil.exe "$(TargetPath)" and was getting this error… "System.Securi


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There are many reasons why this error will appear. One of the less obvious reasons has to do with the “Target framework” project level setting. In my referenced project the “Target framework” was set


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[ You likely get the exception "Connections to SQL Server files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly.��� when you are trying to add a Database file to a project and don’t


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[ This exception: “This server version is not supported. Only servers up to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 are supported” Probably means that you have SQL Server 2008 installed and don’t have Visual Studio