

Fiddler Extension Development Tips

I recently created a custom Fiddler extension called PowerBIFiddler. Here are a few tricks that I learned along the way. Re-use Default Fiddler Inspectors For PowerBI-Fiddler, I wanted to re-use the J


Problem Microsoft ASP.NET Web API (RTM) references Newtonsoft.Json (>= 4.5.6) (AKA Json.net) Twitterizer 2 references Newtonsoft.Json (=4.5.5) You can’t have both Newtonsoft.Json (>= 4.5.6) AND


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Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type ‘[type]’. ‘Where’ not found. Consider explicitly specifying the type of the range variable ‘[variableName]’ You get this error if


How to set HtmlAgilityPack Timeout

HtmlAgilityPack is a great HTML parser library that I often use for scraping. It does web requests on your behalf via the HtmlWeb().Load methods, but doesn’t expose the HttpWebRequest.Timeout property


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There are many reasons why this error will appear. One of the less obvious reasons has to do with the “Target framework” project level setting. In my referenced project the “Target framework” was set