

.NET Core SDK Not Supported on ARM

The .NET Core SDK is not supported on ARM based devices such as the Raspberry Pi and the .NET Core team is not currently working on supporting it. As mentioned in the announcement, the SDK doesn’t fit


How to Change Your Raspberry Pi Password

You’ll want to make sure you don’t leave the default ‘pi’ user’s password to the default ‘raspberry’ setting. Here’s how to change it. Login to Pi Login to your Pi via Remote Desktop, SSH or via moni


How to SSH into a Raspberry Pi

You will often want to execute commands over SSH instead of having to Remote Desktop or access your Pi via a monitor and keyboard. Here’s how to get SSH setup on your Pi. Enable SSH Via Pi Terminal su


How to Run Docker on Raspberry Pi

It is very easy to get Docker running on a Raspberry Pi. Here’s a barebones post to get you started. You can execute the following commands over SSH or Remote Desktop. Install Docker curl -sSL https:


Fiddler Extension Development Tips

I recently created a custom Fiddler extension called PowerBIFiddler. Here are a few tricks that I learned along the way. Re-use Default Fiddler Inspectors For PowerBI-Fiddler, I wanted to re-use the J


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I was running the following post-build scripts in VS2013… $(FrameworkDir)\installutil.exe /u "$(TargetPath)" $(FrameworkDir)\installutil.exe "$(TargetPath)" and was getting this error… "System.Securi