

Solution to the exception: "Updating 'Newtonsoft.Json 4.5.8' to 'Newtonsoft.Json 4.5.5' failed. Unable to find a version of 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client' that is compatible with 'Newtonsoft.Json 4.5.5'." when trying to install the twitterizer NuGet package in Visual Studio 2012

I have the RTM of Visual Studio installed, but the WebApi NuGet RTM build isn’t available yet. WebApi depends on Newtonsoft.Json and so does Twitterizer, but there is a version conflict. Unfortunatel


Microsoftie Perk #6 - Free Drinks

Free drinks is the one perk that most people will already know about, but since it is one of my favorites I couldn’t not include it in my Microsoftie perk list. I have heard that since day one Micro


Microsoftie Perk #2 - Exec Access

The is a post in a new blog series I’m writing called "Microsoftie Perks" Over the years I have sent many emails to Microsoft Execs and I always get a response. Whether I’m looking for money


Microsoftie Perk #1 - Dogfood

The is a post in a new blog series I’m writing called "Microsoftie Perks" It only took about 3 seconds for me to be introduced to the term “dogfood” when I started at Microsoft back in 2003.


Microsoftie Perks

This is the index post for my “Microsoftie Perks” posts. I will continue to update this post as I discover new perks. You can subscribe to my blog via RSS here or you can subscribe via email here to b


[object Object]

Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type ‘[type]’. ‘Where’ not found. Consider explicitly specifying the type of the range variable ‘[variableName]’ You get this error if


How to set HtmlAgilityPack Timeout

HtmlAgilityPack is a great HTML parser library that I often use for scraping. It does web requests on your behalf via the HtmlWeb().Load methods, but doesn’t expose the HttpWebRequest.Timeout property